WWE superstar Chris Jericho shares his secrets to success in new book

Six-time WWE champion Chris Jericho on Wednesday explained how his determination to succeed helped propel him to superstardom.

“I wanted to be a wrestler and I wanted to be in a rock and roll band when I was a kid and I heard right from the start, ‘no you’ll never do that, it’s never going to happen,’” he told FOX Business’ Kennedy.

Jericho said musician Paul Stanley, co-founder of the legendary rock band KISS, helped encourage him to accomplish his dreams and to ignore naysayers who doubted him.

“It’s a great quote from Paul Stanley, ‘The only people that tell you, you can’t do something are the ones that have failed. I’m not going to tell you [that] you can’t do something because I did it-you can do it.’ When I heard that at 16 years old … I didn’t care at that point what anyone else thought, I still don’t. If I believe it and I can see it and I know that I have the resources to do it, I’m going to do it,” Jericho, who plays in a band called Fozzy, said.

The wrestler, who is billed at six feet tall and 227 pounds, elaborated on how he didn’t let his size stop him from getting into the ring.

“I’ve always thought of myself as a showman. When I got into wrestling I was very small compared to the other guys who were 6’9 and 300 pounds. So I knew I could never be the biggest guy on the show, but I could have the biggest personality and the biggest character,” he said.

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