Why Are Police and Firefighters More Likely to Suffer Injury or Disease?

LOS ANGELES, CA / ACCESSWIRE / December 30, 2020 / Ehline Law Firm:

Our First Responders Deserve Better
Our nation cannot survive without the lifetime service of fire and police personnel. The officers and firefighters who serve our towns and cities save countless lives and keep order. However, such positions come not only with a greater responsibility but also a higher risk of injury.

Below we will discuss some of the potential injuries for those in fire and police service and how to properly seek compensation to make people whole again.

Potential Risk Factors
There are several common factors that often include a number of potential accidents. Other causes of severe injury also track along with long term factors at work. For fire and police personnel, the years of potential exposure are often severe when added to other elements of work risks.

This often includes exposure to dangerous chemicals, including asbestos for firefighters. Fire resistant materials often included asbestos, which was essential to insulation in previous generations. Furthermore, many older buildings also include lead paint that risks the contraction of lead poisoning.

For police, the risk is similar, but in different fashions. The most obvious is injury in the line of duty. More than just the risk of firearms or assault, there are similar risks as firemen. Police, as first responders, also risk entering into burning or unsafe buildings. Furthermore, roles in small or large cities also means that there is the risk of falls or vehicle accidents.

In 2016, there were almost 31,000 non-fatal accidents in the line of duty, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. In addition, there were an average of 115 fatal accidents per year for officers and sheriff's patrols nationally.

Seeking the Correct Path
In the aftermath of a severe injury, there is a major chance to get your life back on track. This can include the ability to seek out compensation from various sources. This may include the pension or medical programs at work. It can also include those that made your work situation unsafe.

Furthermore, the correct law firm allows for the injured or ill to seek the proper government programs. This includes the use of disability, workers compensation, and unemployment. The right attorney rates the amount of money necessary to keep your current lifestyle and to heal your body to the best of our ability. Not every situation is the same, but there is also a chance to become whole again.

Finding More Info on Workplace Injuries
This is where Ehline Law excels. Our decades of experience are key in our success. The Los Angeles based company represented hundreds of clients to the tune of millions of dollars. Their staff specializes in workplace injury cases, especially for current and retired police and fire personnel.

Furthermore, the role of such public safety personnel also includes the potential risk of injury. Ehline law understands the total responsibility of such positions, especially since our lead attorney Michael Ehline is a retired, disabled former Marine.

Works Cited
US Bureau of Labor Statistics, Injuries, Illnesses, and Fatalities Fact Sheet | Police Officers | August 2016

Ehline Law website: Workplace Accident Attorney Information

Michael Ehline

SOURCE: Ehline Law Firm

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