Weekly Trading Forecast: Dollar, Euro and Yen Trends Grow Fundamentally Stretched

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USDollar has topped five-year highs, EURUSD has within reach of breaking a decade long range and USDJPY recovered half of a 15-year decline in two years. Can the FX market extend these incredible moves?

US Dollar Forecast- Dollar Climbs to Five Year High as Yields and FX Volatility Rebound

Many of the ‘majors’ pushed multi-month or year extremes in favor of the Greenback, and the Dow Jones FXCM Dollar Index (ticker = USDollar) powered to a five-year high this past week.

Euro Forecast - Hints of Future Easing Keep Euro Pinned Lower, for Now

While no major easing program has been thus far announced, the overhanging threat of additional stimulus, against the current economic backdrop, seems believable for Euro bears.

British Pound Forecast - GBP/USD to Face Further Losses on Dovish BoE Inflation Report

GBP/USD may face increased volatility next week as U.K. wage growth is projected to uptick in September, while the Bank of England (BoE) is widely expected to retain a cautious outlook for the region.

Japanese Yen Forecast - Japanese Yen Eyes Global Growth Trends as Dust Settles on BOJ Action

The Japanese Yen may recover from six-year lows as global slowdown fears fuel risk aversion, triggering liquidation of carry trades funded in the low-yielding unit.

Australian Dollar Forecast – AUD Remains At Risk After Breaching Key Barrier Amid Volatility Spike

The AUD may be exposed to further weakness following a crash through key support as surging expectations for FX market volatility detract from its yield appeal.

Gold Forecast - Gold Posts Outside Reversal- NFP Rebound Mired by Growth Concerns

Gold prices were softer this week with the precious metal off by a mere 0.10% to trade at $1171 ahead of the New York close on Friday.

Weekly Trading Forecast: Dollar, Euro and Yen Trends Grow Fundamentally Stretched
Weekly Trading Forecast: Dollar, Euro and Yen Trends Grow Fundamentally Stretched

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