US: Iran fired rockets near American warships

uss harry s. truman
uss harry s. truman

(Flickr/US Navy Photo)
The aircraft carrier USS Harry S. Truman.

An Iranian rocket came within 1,500 yards of American aircraft carrier USS Harry S. Truman

in the Strait of Hormuz, a Pentagon official reportedly told CNN.

The incident occurred on Saturday at approximately 11:25 a.m., 23 minutes after the Iranian navy announced that it was about to conduct a live-fire training exercise in the area, Reuters reports.

According to an NBC report, multiple rockets were fired directly but not directly at the US aircraft carrier.

Cmdr. Kyle Raines, the US Central Command spokesman, referred to the event as "uncharacteristic of most interactions" between the US and Iranian navies, CNN reports.

"While most interactions between Iranian forces and the US Navy are professional, safe, and routine, this event was not and runs contrary to efforts to ensure freedom of navigation and maritime safety in the global commons," Raines said.

According to the Pentagon, the USS Harry S. Truman was operating in an "internationally recognized maritime traffic lane" when Iran's navy conducted their exercise.

According to Raines, the American aircraft carrier did not stray into designated Iranian waters.

map of area
map of area

(Google Maps/Amanda Macias/Business Insider)
Map of area.

According to Agence France-Presse, a French frigate and the destroyer USS Buckley were also in the area.

The USS Harry S. Truman recently arrived in the Persian Gulf to support coalition airstrikes against ISIS in Iraq and Syria.

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