For Trump, the gravity of his new job appears to be setting in

donald trump
donald trump

(President-elect Donald TrumpZach Gibson/Getty Images)

Donald Trump was reportedly "shocked" that he won the presidential election.

That's according to a New York Times report that describes how Trump's advisers are guiding him through his transition from real-estate mogul to the 45th president of the United States.

One of the most difficult challenges for Trump, according to The Times, may be having to swap his penthouse apartment at Trump Tower in New York City for the White House.

According to Trump advisers cited by the newspaper, the president-elect may spend his weeks in Washington D.C. and return to one of his homes in New York, Palm Beach, Florida, or Bedminster, New Jersey, on the weekends.

However, his aides expect him to be in the White House more often as he grows into the job as president and becomes less "overwhelmed," the report said.

Another challenge for Trump's transition will be how he will handle his personal Twitter account as president. In the final days of the election, his campaign reportedly prevented him from tweeting.

On Thursday, Trump was back on social media, denouncing the nationwide protests that his presidential victory has ignited.

Mike DuHaime, an adviser to New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, suggested to The Times that the unconventional style of Trump's election campaign may have been a preview of what could be a non-traditional presidency:

"I know they’re willing to be unorthodox and want to be true to themselves and not fall into a habit of let’s just follow precedent on what’s been done."

Read the full story at The New York Times »

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