Trump: I don't care that Pence supported Iraq War. But Clinton? That's different

Trump: I don't care that Pence supported Iraq War. But Clinton? That's different·CNBC

Donald Trump has dismissed Mike Pence's support for the Iraq war, saying his vice presidential pick was "entitled to make a mistake every once in a while."

Hillary Clinton , the Democratic presumptive presidential candidate, however, was not, Trump told CBS's Lesley Stahl in his first joint interview with running mate Pence.

Trump, the Republican presumptive candidate, has repeatedly attacked Clinton over her support for the war in Iraq, saying it was a sign of her "bad judgment."

To read the full CBS report, click here.

But, as NBC News pointed out in a fact-check after the GOP pair announced their partnership on Saturday, Indiana Gov. Pence was a strong supporter of the Iraq War, going so far as to co-sponsor and vote in favor of a bill authorizing the conflict when he was a House representative from Indiana. He also opposed measures to set a timeline to withdraw troops, NBC News reported.

But, according to a transcript of Stahl's interview with the pair, Trump told CBS, "I don't care," when asked about Pence's support for the war.

When pressed by Stahl on the issue, Trump added, "It's a long time ago. And he voted that way and they were also misled," apparently alluding to bad intelligence employed by the U.S. government to push for an attack on Iraq.

Stahl said, "Yeah, but you've used that vote of Hillary's that was the same as Governor Pence as the example of her bad judgment."

Trump responded that, while Pence was "entitled to make a mistake every once in a while," Clinton was not.

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