Trump campaign blasts supporters with text message criticizing CNN

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(A text message sent to supporters of President Donald Trump's reelection campaign.Yashar)

President Donald Trump's reelection campaign sent a text message to supporters on Tuesday saying CNN "banned" a commercial celebrating the president, the latest escalation of Trump's feud with the network.

"BREAKING: CNN banned TRUMP ad! The FAKE NEWS will not silence us," the text message read, according to screenshots seen on social media. The text included a link to the commercial and implored recipients to share it.

The 30-second commercial, which aired on Monday, lauds Trump's achievements from his first 100 days in office. It also takes a predictable shot against one of Trump's favorite targets, the news media.

"You wouldn’t know it from watching the news — America is winning again and President Trump is making America great again," a voice-over says, while images of news anchors — including CNN's Wolf Blitzer — appear onscreen behind the words "FAKE NEWS."

Earlier on Tuesday, Trump blasted CNN for refusing to air the commercial. The network defended its decision in a statement, saying it objected to the "fake news" characterization.

"CNN requested that the advertiser remove the false graphic that says the mainstream media is 'fake news,'" the network said in the statement. "The mainstream media is not fake news, and therefore the ad is false. Per our policy, it will be accepted only if that graphic is deleted. Those are the facts."

The statement didn't satisfy Trump's campaign, which in turn accused CNN of censorship.

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