Trader poll: Which will garner the most market attention?

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With the economic data calendar looking light this week, other factors are eyed for market attention.

U.S. President Donald Trump suffered a legislative defeat last Friday when Republicans pulled a bill to overhaul Obamacare, which was one of his major 2016 election campaign promises.

Across the Atlantic Ocean, U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May is set to trigger Article 50 on March 29, which will formally kick start the process of Britain's divorce from the European Union.

At the weekend, a joint committee of ministers from OPEC and non-OPEC countries agreed to review whether the global pact to curb supply should be extended. But some analysts said that the lack of an immediate extension could weigh on crude oil prices, Reuters reported.

A series of central bank officials are also set to speak over the week, from the Federal Reserve's Janet Yellen to the European Central Bank's Benoit Coeure.

With U.S. stock markets posting their worst week since the election and the VIX still languishing in the low double-digits, which of these will garner the most attention from market participants?
