Tiny Eco-Pod Offers Off-Grid Living and Adventure

Have you ever dreamed of escaping the hustle and bustle of life, preferring perhaps solitude or adventure? Well, look no further.

The Ecocapsule, a tiny egg-shaped pod that operates off-grid, may help provide the escape you’ve been seeking.

The Ecocapsule, created by Bratislava, Slovakia-based design studio Nice Architects, is powered by the wind and sun, plus it’s small enough to go pretty much anywhere – as long as you have a way to transport it (i.e. trailer, pack animal or flatbed truck), Mother Nature Network says.

The pod, which has just 86-square-feet of floor space, operates as a functional, albeit tiny, home with a toilet and shower, folding bed, kitchenette, dining area and storage space.

MNN said the Ecocapsule employs some rather impressive sustainable technology.

Ecocapsule operates completely off-grid with its spherical shape enabling optimum rainwater collection. The curiously shaped micro-shelter also includes integrated water filters for users to “utilize any water source” wherever it happens to be plopped down for a spell.

In terms of energy, the roof of the Ecocapsule is clad with a 28-square-foot, 600-watt capacity photovoltaic array that harnesses clean, renewable energy from the sun. There’s also a 750-watt wind turbine attached to the body of the unit on a retractable pole.

According to the Ecocapsule website, the pod can provide more than a place for adventure seekers to escape.

“With its immense off-grid life span, worldwide portability and flexibility, it is suitable for a wide range of applications: from an independent research station or a tourist lodge to an emergency housing or a humanitarian-action unit,” the site said.

So, just how much will the 15-foot, 3,300-pound Ecocapsule cost? Unfortunately, there’s no word yet on the price, though Nice Architects said shipping from Slovakia to New York City would run about $2,000, MNN said.

A pricing announcement is expected later this year, with shipping of the micro-pods beginning in 2016.

What do you think of the Ecocapsule? Share your comments below.

This article was originally published on MoneyTalksNews.com as 'Tiny Eco-Pod Offers Off-Grid Living and Adventure'.

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