Skincare and Beauty Tips for New Moms -- Presented by

SACRAMENTO, CA--(Marketwired - Jul 18, 2013) - Parenthood is a challenging job even in the best of circumstances. The first few months can be especially trying, with constant diaper changes and feedings and erratic sleep schedules. The chaos can lead to days without a shower or resorting to a beauty routine that consists of sweats and a ponytail. However, looking and feeling good is an important part of motherhood. The latest article by Busy Mommy Makeover: 10 Tips for Feeling Beautiful After Baby Arrives discusses ways in which new moms can pamper themselves while caring for a new baby.

Many new moms feel guilty if they let someone else care for their babies for a few hours. Why is accepting help essential for new mothers' health and well-being? What are some things a new mother can do -- while a friend or relative cares for the baby -- that will help her feel more beautiful and rejuvenated? To find out, visit or visit

Babies sleep a lot during their first few months of life. Although the impulse might be to clean and attend to practical matters while the baby naps, this isn't always the best option. It's important for moms to get rest and relaxation too, so they can be as present as possible in motherhood. What are some things Mom can do to pamper herself and feel balanced? How can a simple bath improve her mood? To find out, visit or click

A common piece of advice is that new moms should sleep when baby sleeps. However, this may seem impossible with the never-ending list of things that need to get done. Why is sleep important for health and beauty? How can a new mom squeeze in much-needed sleep without foregoing necessary chores? To find out, visit or click

Get answers to more questions about how new mothers can enjoy their bundle of joy and still find time to relax and look beautiful by visiting or

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About -- "Your Source for Intelligent Skin Care" is the online source for consumers seeking intelligent beauty and skin care news, advice, tips and articles. Founded in 2005, features articles, news items and frequently asked questions on skincare and beauty-related issues. is located in Sacramento, California, but receives visitors from all around the world. For more information, visit
