San Bernardino CALAT Seeks Review of Waste Hauler Athens Services Practice of Dumping Los Angeles County Trash in San Bernardino County

SAN BERNARDINO, CA--(Marketwired - Sep 30, 2015) - CALAT, a group of San Bernardino residents concerned about an apparent decrease in the amount of recycling and an increase of solid waste disposal in San Bernardino County landfills since Athens took over management have asked CALRECYCLE Director Scott Smithline to investigate this matter to ensure compliance with all applicable state and local laws and ordinances.

"In 2013, Athens was contracted to operate San Bernardino landfills. It's our understanding that the contract provides for Athens to receive payment for each out-of-county truckload hauled to these landfills. We further understand, per Athens' landfill contract, that they would face severe contractual penalties if they fail to import large amounts of solid waste from outside of San Bernardino County," said Grundman

"We question why the amount of solid waste generated by Los Angeles County cities serviced by Athens increased at the same time Athens entered into a contract concerning San Bernardino County landfills requiring importation of solid waste from other counties, such as Los Angeles County. We believe the increased deposits of solid waste provided by Athens; to landfills operated by Athens conflicts with California's diversion goals and generally with the concept of sustainability," said Grundman

"We are concerned about what appears to be exceedingly high landfill utilization in San Bernardino County, to the point that it appears recycling efforts are being reduced in other counties in order to generate solid waste for disposal in San Bernardino County. San Bernadino must not continue to be the dumping ground for Los Angeles residents' trash," said Grundman.

"CalRecycle's online records show that after Athens began management of San Bernardino County's landfills, the growth of solid waste continues to exceed landfill use of neighboring counties. Everywhere else, it appears, landfill use is going down. However, in San Bernardino, Athens is exceeding their own contractual obligations to import solid waste. A full review by CALRECYCLE should settle this matter once and for all," said Grundman
