The Republican presidential debate demands are falling apart

The podiums for (L to R) Marco Rubio, Donald Trump and Ben Carson are lined up in the center of the stage for tomorrow's Republican presidential candidate debate in Boulder, Colorado October 27, 2015. REUTERS/Rick Wilking
The podiums for (L to R) Marco Rubio, Donald Trump and Ben Carson are lined up in the center of the stage for tomorrow's Republican presidential candidate debate in Boulder, Colorado October 27, 2015. REUTERS/Rick Wilking

(Thomson Reuters)

The Republican Party's attempts at collective bargaining for changes in future debates have fallen apart, less than a day after they began.

After last week's presidential debate on CNBC sparked cries that it was full of "gotcha" questions and supposed liberal bias from moderators, representatives from the Republican campaigns met to draft a letter dictating terms for future presidential debates.

But less than 24 hours after the meeting, real-estate mogul Donald Trump's campaign announced that it was opting out of the agreement and would carry out its network negotiations independently.

Shortly after, the campaigns of Ohio Gov. John Kasich (R), New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R), and former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina announced that they do not intend to sign the debate agreement, according to CNN.

A Republican campaign staffer told CNN that the candidates leaving the agreement makes the weekend's negotiations "a total waste of time" because "it only works if everybody signs it."

"I haven't even looked at the letter," Trump's campaign manager Corey Lewandowski told The New York Times late Monday.

A spokesperson for the Trump campaign framed the matter as the continuation of a policy.

"As we have for the previous three debates, the Trump Campaign will continue to negotiate directly with the host network to establish debate criteria that will determine Mr. Trump’s participation," the spokesperson said.

Trump's refusal to participate in any collective negotiation, which came almost immediately after the letter was drafted, did not stop Ben Carson's campaign from indicating to ABC its plans to sign the letter of debate terms with the rest of the "Republican team." However, it's not clear how deep that roster will go.

The reported demands from GOP candidates included:

  • 30 seconds or more for opening and closing statements.

  • "Parity and integrity" for the questions.

  • No "lighting rounds," in which the candidates are forced to give fast, often one-word answers.

  • Approval of graphics displayed during the debate. (This was apparently a demand of Jeb Bush's campaign. During the CNBC debate, a graphic depiction Bush's career ignored his eight-year stint as Florida governor.)

On the decision not to sign, Kasich told reporters, "Whatever we're doing, that's what we'll do. Play it where it lies."

NOW WATCH: GOP candidates attacked CNBC moderators for trying to turn the debate into a 'cage match'

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