RBC and Vivo Join Forces to Get More Kids and Families More Active, More Often

CALGARY, ALBERTA--(Marketwired - Nov 21, 2015) - Today, Vivo for Healthier Generations announced that it received a $25,000 RBC Learn to Play Project grant to provide support for Phase III of the organization's Child + Youth Action Research project in partnership with Mount Royal University. Vivo is one of 199 organizations from across the country to receive a 2015 RBC Learn to Play Project grant.

The Child + Youth Action Research Project is a 10-year study to create recreation curriculum and education resources for children grades K-6 and their families. Phase III, which launched in September 2015, will measure the generational impact of the Child+Youth Action Research Project curriculums by:

  • Engaging 60 Kindergarten children and their families in the evidence-based curriculum over a seven year period;

  • Creating training models for the implementation of such curriculum;

  • Co-creating new community-based resources and models for holistic family wellness with multi-sector partners/experts; and

  • Developing resources to share this action research with physical activity program providers.

Findings from Phase II of the project also released this week demonstrate the impact that action-research and multi-sector partnerships like this can have.

"Research shows that our children are not getting enough physical activity." says Vivo Research Director, Cynthia Watson. "They are sitting far too long each day, even when registered in traditional recreational programs. This sedentary behaviour leads to increased health, social and mental complications. Thanks to this contribution from the RBC we will be able to pilot new program curriculums that significantly reduce inactivity and increase children's confidence, competence and physical literacy skills, making them healthier and active for life."

RBC and the Public Health Agency of Canada, in partnership with ParticipACTION, have committed $2 million in RBC Learn to Play Project grants to help community based organizations build and deliver quality sport and recreation programs that address the widespread lack of physical activity among Canadian youth as well as declining rates in sport participation. The RBC Learn to Play Project is committed to supporting programs and organizations which help children develop the confidence and skills they need to enable them to play, and become happy, healthy and active for life.

"We are proud to support the work of Vivo said Jane Broderick, Chief Brand and Communications Officer at RBC. "Sport and physical activity can transform lives and have a powerful, positive impact on our communities. The Child+Youth Action Research Project will have a direct impact on the lives of Canadian youth by encouraging them to participate in sport and physical activity, learn basic skills and help build their confidence."

The RBC Learn to Play Project grants were announced in conjunction with RBC Sports Day in Canada, a national celebration of the power of sport to build community and get Canadians moving. RBC Sports Day in Canada takes place on November 21, 2015 in communities across Canada.

Cheque Presentation: 12:30pm

Vivo for Healthier Generations

11950 Country Village Link NE

Meet Olympians Kristina Groves, Joshua Riker-Fox, Anastasia Bucsis, Cassie Hawrysh
