Protester kicked, punched while being escorted out of a Donald Trump campaign rally in Arizona

Tucson Donald Trump rally fight
Tucson Donald Trump rally fight

(REUTERS/Sam Mircovich)
A member of the audience, right, stomps on a protester as Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks during a campaign event in Tucson, Arizona, March 19, 2015.

Another campaign rally for Donald Trump turned violent on Saturday as some apparent protesters were removed from the venue.

Video showed a pair of demonstrators, one of whom was wearing a Ku Klux Klan-style hood, being led out of the event in Tucson, Arizona.

At one point, a rally attendee got physical with the protester not shown wearing a hood. The attendee was filmed kicking the person as others looked on.

Police officers quickly took him into custody:

VIOLENCE at another Donald Trump rally, this time in Tucson, AZ. Man hits and kicks protester:

— Frank Thorp V (@frankthorpNBC) March 19, 2016

Here's another angle:

Went to the Trump rally just to see how crazy it would be........this is insane

— Alex Satterly (@alex_satterly) March 19, 2016

In what appeared to be a separate incident, a person standing among protesters holding "Dump Trump" signs was grabbed by the collar. CBS News' Jacqueline Alemany and other reporters described the man grabbing the person as Trump's campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski.

Here is Donald Trump's campaign manager in the Tucson crowd grabbing the collar of a protester.

— Jacqueline Alemany (@JaxAlemany) March 19, 2016

The Trump campaign issued a statement denying that Lewandowski had gotten physically involved in the protest.

Here's that statement:

Corey Lewandowski was speaking with a protestor at today's rally in Tucson, Arizona when the individual he was speaking with was pulled from behind by the man to Lewandowski's left. The video clearly shows the protestor reacting to the man who pulled him, not Mr. Lewandowski. Mr. Trump does not condone violence at his rallies, which are private events paid for by the campaign.

Last week, Lewandowski was accused of manhandling a reporter at another Trump event. He and the Trump campaign accused the reporter of fabricating the incident, which the journalist said left bruises on her arm.

Trump protests spread nationwide on Saturday. A group of anti-Trump demonstrators reportedly blocked a road to one rally in Arizona, and about 1,000 protesters gathered at Trump Tower in New York.

Similar anti-Trump demonstrations have picked up momentum after a large, organized protest in Chicago forced the Trump campaign to cancel a planned rally last week. Fistfights and other violence broke out at that Chicago event.

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