PRESS DIGEST - Wall Street Journal - Nov 28

Nov 28 (Reuters) - The following are the top stories in the Wall Street Journal. Reuters has not verified these stories and does not vouch for their accuracy.

- President-elect Donald Trump dismissed charges that his victory was illegitimate, lashing out on Twitter at critics who point to Hillary Clinton's lead of more than two million votes in the national popular vote as evidence.

- The death of Fidel Castro is putting unexpected pressure on President-elect Donald Trump to follow through on earlier promises to reverse the recent openings to Cuba made by President Barack Obama.

- Corporations are scrambling to retool their lobbying efforts as Republicans, preparing for control of the House, Senate and White House come January, hope to break the partisan logjam that has blocked the passage of legislation for six years.

- So-called peak oil demand is a mind-bending scenario that global producers such as Royal Dutch Shell and state-owned Saudi Aramco are beginning to quietly anticipate.

- High-quality bonds and financial stocks that had moved in lockstep before Donald Trump's election are going their separate ways, an example of how Trump's win has reshuffled markets in a way not seen since the financial crisis.

- The World Trade Organization as early as Monday is expected to rule that Boeing Co has been granted illegal state subsidies for its newest long-range jetliner, according to people familiar with the finding.

- Francois Fillon, a free market social conservative, won France's center-right primary by a landslide, positioning him as the leading presidential candidate to take on National Front leader Marine Le Pen in next spring's election. (Compiled by Aurindom Mukherjee in Bengaluru)
