PRESS DIGEST- China - Dec 26

Dec 26 (Reuters) - Chinese newspapers available in Beijing and Shanghai carried the following stories on Thursday. Reuters has not checked the stories and does not vouch for their accuracy.


- China will push forward the development of a modernized seed industry, China's vice premier Wang Yang said at a conference on Tuesday. Measures will include enhancing levels of scientific research and protecting seed bank resources.

- China may soon be able to export high-speed rail technology. The first order is likely to come from Eastern Europe, sources told the paper, a potential boost for railway maker China CNR Corp Ltd, as it already manufactures to European standards.

- China's GDP growth is estimated to hit 7.7 percent this year and 7.8 percent in 2014, according to the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, a government think tank. Bank of China Ltd estimates GDP growth to be 7.6 percent.


- China's new regulations to raise consumer trust in domestic infant milk formula will be the strictest in China for any food type, said Teng Jiacai, deputy head of the China Food and Drug Administration.


- China is making unprecedented efforts to ensure grain security, urging a 95 percent self-sufficient ratio, according to official targets announced this week.


- New anti-graft guidelines released this week will greatly enhance China's ability to battle rampant official corruption, according to a commentary in the Party's mouthpiece paper. President Xi Jinping has vowed to make stamping out official corruption a key focus of his administration.

For Hong Kong and South China newspapers see.....
