PRESS DIGEST-China - Dec 20

SHANGHAI, Dec 20 (Reuters) - Chinese newspapers available in Beijing and Shanghai carried the following stories on Friday. Reuters has not checked the stories and does not vouch for their accuracy.


- Jiang Yang, vice-chairman of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, said the commission will push forward with the opening up of capital markets in the Shanghai pilot Free Trade Zone. It will reveal detailed rules for cross-border bilateral investments for companies and individuals, he added.

- The manufacture and sales of automobiles from January to November this year stood at 19.99 million and 19.86 million units respectively, a gain of 14.34 percent and 13.53 percent from a year earlier, according to data from the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers. Insiders expect the automobile market growth to reach 15 percent.


- The Shanghai Stock Exchange said it will improve corporate governance for listed companies and regulate the operations of their audit committees under the board.


- Max Baucus, who is expected to be nominated as the next US ambassador to China, will have to play a balancing act between implementing Washington's policies and addressing Beijing's concerns over its strategic interests, observers said.


- China will quicken reforms of its massive state-owned enterprises, according to the SOE regulator. The focus is to transform the SOEs, especially parent companies, quickly into joint-stock companies where public shareholders can have a bigger voice, said Huang Shuhe, vice-chairman of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission.

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