Perjury traps could be waiting for Trump if he does Mueller interview: Kennedy

The president held a quickie press conference yesterday and was asked if he would testify, under oath, for special counsel Robert Mueller. What do you think he said? Hell no, I won’t go, or bring it?

Reports from the Mueller interrogations are the special counsel is meticulously organized and loaded with gotcha questions. Like what's your favorite newspaper. Just when you think you've satisfactorily wriggled your way out of a pickle, you're faced with a contradictory email or statement from a work friend and you're hosed.

Those delicious little perjury traps could be awaiting the president, and he knows that, and seems to welcome it. But why? He is insulted at the very idea Russia helped him over the electoral hump and hates the idea people think that's why he's our 45th president.

It's also insulting to people who voted for him who weren't influenced by Facebook (NASDAQ:FB) ads, maybe they just hate Hillary and like money. He is so certain of both his own innocence and his ability to make plain the truth he's willing to put himself at risk to clear his name.

He also made it clear he wants to one-up Hillary, again, who was not under oath when she sat for that FBI interview. If he can make it through the Mueller grilling under oath and on his terms, that is, for him, a victory.

Legal experts, including Judge Napolitano, have advised against a sitting president going before an investigatory body that's setting more perjury traps than a pest control service. But if the president is going down, he'll go down swinging, and he's doubling down the country doesn't have the stomach to remove someone from office just because they think he's a jerk.

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