Patriot Power Greens Aids in Heartburn Relief

Users of Patriot Power Greens from the Patriot Health Alliance report the product lessens their heartburn symptoms.

Nashville, TN / ACCESSWIRE / May 17, 2015 / According to a report from KRDO-TV in Pueblo, Colo., patients taking medications to relieve heartburn are claiming that the drugs are causing them to gain weight.

Doctors who prescribe the meds disagree. They believe that heartburn medications that treat acid reflux, including Nexium and Prilosec, make patients feel better and therefore those patients start eating more. On the other hand, people will generally eat less than they want to when suffering from heartburn symptoms.

Heartburn relief is one of the benefits reported by users of Patriot Power Greens from the Patriot Health Alliance. Containing 38 fruits and vegetables, 10 probiotic strains and seven digestive enzymes in each serving, this good-tasting and nutritious beverage is designed to squelch the chronic inflammation causing many pressing health problems.

A nurse in Port Clinton, Ohio, said that while she was originally hesitant to use Patriot Power Greens, mainly due to its green coloring, she has seen significant improvement in her heartburn, which used to be noticeable at bedtime as a result of her heartburn meds.

According to, heartburn is a weekly occurrence for up to 20 percent of Americans. It is usually caused by too much food in the stomach (overeating) or too much pressure on the stomach (obesity, pregnancy, constipation, etc.).

Patriot Health Alliance has teamed up with Dr. Lane Sebring, M.D., to introduce Patriot Power Greens. Dr. Sebring is a licensed medical doctor in private practice in Wimberley, Texas. He specializes in anti-aging therapies and reversing disease. He has been featured on Fox News and National Public Radio.

"Heartburn happens when the esophageal sphincter (the valve at the bottom of the esophagus) does not tighten enough to prevent the pressures generated by stomach motility from overcoming the sphincter's attempt to stay closed and acidic stomach contents squirt past the valve and up the esophagus," Sebring said.

"This can happen when the hole in the diaphragm that the esophagus passes through is too big and the stomach can get partially sucked up into the chest while breathing in. This is a hiatal hernia. This deforms the valve and compromises its ability to close. It can also put pressure on the stomach wall, causing the stomach to think there is food in it and thus increase its acid output."

As the U.S. population ages, many people seek ways to lessen the effects of chronic inflammation, the root cause of nearly every major health condition seniors experience today. These conditions include fatigue and tiredness, painful joints and arthritis, heart problems, digestive troubles, memory loss and brain fog, weakened immune system, aging skin and wrinkles, blood sugar issues, and excessive weight.

This is most effectively accomplished with certain alkaline foods, such as most fruits and vegetables, which neutralize the acid and chronic inflammation in one’s body. The problem for many is that gathering and preparing many different fruits and vegetables is a very time consuming process.

By the time many people reach 50 and older, they have excess acid in their cells, tissues and organs as a result of a lifetime of eating acidic foods including fried and processed foods. This causes free radicals to form, which trigger chronic inflammation.

But Patriot Power Greens promotes easy digestion with less gas, bloating and constipation; healthy blood pressure and cholesterol levels; joint and muscle pain relief; clearer thinking and sharper memory; younger looking skin; loss of unwanted weight; balanced blood sugar levels; immune system boost; and stronger energy levels.

Patriot Power Greens has 10 calories per serving with no added sugar, artificial sweeteners, gluten, soy, dairy, wheat, nuts, eggs, fish or shellfish. A serving consists of one scoop of Patriot Power Greens stirred into water, juice or a smoothie.

Patriot Power Greens can be purchased at It comes with both a 100 percent and 200 percent money-back guarantee.

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Name: Tim Boyle
Organization: 4Patriots LLC.

Source: 4Patriots
