Nissan can meet U.S. sales goal with capacity in S.Korea, Japan

YOKOHAMA, Japan, Feb 27 (Reuters) - Nissan Motor Co will be able to meet its goal of taking 10 percent of the U.S. market in two years without any major new investments and by making use of capacity available at factories in Japan and South Korea, a top executive said on Friday.

Jose Munoz, executive vice president of Nissan and chairman of its North American arm, also said there was no reason for Nissan to continue lagging Honda Motor Co in the United States given its broader product range and larger manufacturing footprint in North America.

"I'm confident we will overtake them," Munoz told reporters at Nissan's global headquarters in Yokohama, declining to estimate a time frame.

(Reporting by Chang-Ran Kim; Editing by Chris Gallagher)
