It’s National Pi Day: What Can You Buy for $3.14?

It’s the one day of the year when $3.14 can buy quite a bit. March 14, or 3/14, is National Pi Day, and businesses across the U.S. are hosting a variety of nerdy, Pi-themed promotions.

Drinks, baseball tickets, pizzas and, of course, pie! – all for $3.14. Check out these awesome Pi deals, shared by Time:

  • Boston. Enjoy a slice of $3.14 pie at the Beacon Hill Hotel or a $3.14 flatbread pizza at Salvatore’s.

  • Chicago. Click here for a full list of Pi-themed promotions.

  • Princeton, N.J. March 14 is a big day in Princeton, as the town also celebrates longtime resident and genius Albert Einstein’s birthday. Click here for a weekend full of Pi and Einstein events.

  • St. Louis. Buy a regular-price pizza and get your second pizza for $3.14 at Pi Pizzeria, which has restaurants in Missouri and also owns the District of Pi restaurant in Washington, D.C.

The Gastonia Grizzlies in North Carolina are celebrating Pi Day with $3.14 game tickets and 31.4 percent off Grizzlies merchandise, plus a chance to pie Grizzlies staff in the face.

Pi is arguably the most widely known mathematical constant. The ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter, Pi comes out to be 3.141592653 … . I have to end there because Pi goes on forever.

Self-proclaimed math geek? While 3/14 may be fun, you’re probably even more excited for Pi Day 2015, a once-in-a-century thrill that will be over in the blink of an eye – 3/14/15 9:26:53 a.m.

I am definitely better with words than math, but I can recite 3.141592 from memory. I’m lost after that. Any big Pi Day plans? Share your comments below or on our Facebook page.

This article was originally published on as 'It’s National Pi Day: What Can You Buy for $3.14?'.

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