Mother’s Day Gift Contest Winners

A couple of weeks ago we did a post called ”21 Terrible Mother’s Day Gifts.” At the end of the post we invited our readers to share the worst gifts they’ve ever given or received on our Facebook page.

To encourage participation, we promised our infamous Money Talks News “Broke, Stupid and Lonely” T-shirt to the entry with the most “likes.”

The results are in and we have a winner. But since there were lots of funny, as well as some sad, responses, we’re going to be giving a couple more shirts to those our staff deemed notable.


Jean Noe: ”Ugly flannel pajamas that were two sizes too big! And I didn’t even wear pajamas.”

Jean, get in touch with us, provide your size and address, and a T-shirt will be on its way. Hopefully it won’t be two sizes too big!


Pat Campbell: ”I have been blessed with many economical but not useful for the mother gifts. A hammer, a shotgun, and best but not least chrome for his Harley which I don’t ride. Reckon what it will be this year?”

Can’t wait to find out, Pat! Send us your address and size, and you’ll get a T-Shirt to add to your collection of useless stuff.

Tracy Watkins: “Worst gift I have received was a pair of ice skates … never ice skated in my life … it is May … and by the way, honey … I am pregnant … not a good time to learn.”

Unbelievable, Tracy! If you still have those skates, put on your new Money Talks News T-shirt and head for the nearest rink!

Tiffany Felan: “I have gotten nothing the past 17 years … not even a card made in school.”

Well, we’ve broken the chain, Tiffany! Send us your size and address and you’ll definitely get something cool this year.

If you want to see all the entries – and you should – check out the Facebook post here. Stay tuned for more contests and more ways to win a Money Talks News T-Shirt.

Haven’t gotten your mom anything yet?

The best gift isn’t the one with the biggest price tag. It’s the one that says, “I remember what you’ve done for me, I love you and I appreciate you.”

If that’s not enough advice, read ”10 Last-Minute Mother’s Day Gifts for Less Than $10.”

This article was originally published on as 'Mother’s Day Gift Contest Winners'.

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