The money in Silicon Valley has attracted a different type of tech worker, says Apple cofounder

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money Wall Street

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It's been too easy to raise money for startups, and it's attracted a different breed of tech worker than the one that existed when Steve Wozniak helped start Apple, says the famous cofounder.

In an interview with Mashable, Wozniak argued that Silicon Valley's transformation from a land of fruit trees to a paved office park has it mirroring Los Angeles and Orange County now.

It's also changed who is coming to Silicon Valley for work.

"I think the money that's been made has attracted a different kind of people looking at technology today and saying 'Oh my gosh, I could maybe have a startup and make a bunch of money,'" Wozniak said. "And the ones that come out of business school, money's the priority. For the ones that come out of engineering school, being able to accomplish and design things that didn't exist before is their priority."

Getting rich wasn't the expectation when he and Steve Jobs were working out of a garage or Wozniak's office at Hewlett Packard, especially not in the early days of personal computers. Today, too much of the drive is young people wanting to be an early startup employee in the the hopes of becoming rich down the line, not building something because they are passionate, he says.

"I know with Apple we did really think in terms of 'Maybe we'll just be small stuff but big deal we're doing what we think is important,'" Wozniak said.

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