Lewisburg USP hosts third annual car show

Aug. 19—LEWISBURG — Community members gathered at the United States Penitentiary (USP) in Lewisburg Saturday for the third annual Big House Car Show, though organizers said the event has been going on for much longer.

Car shows at the USP have been held on and off since the seventies, according to Warden Jessica Sage, who said the event had a long-standing history.

Executive Director Jim Moroney said his father-in-law had been attending car shows at the USP since the early nineties.

"There have been waves where it's held for a few years, but then stops again," he said. "We definitely want to keep it going this time."

Ed Russell, of Montandon, attended the show with a 1939 Studebaker Champion that he said had been with his family since his dad bought it in the fifties.

"One of my brothers decided to make a street rod out of it," Russell said. "When he passed away, it went to my other brother who eventually didn't want it anymore."

Wanting to keep the car in the family, Russel took ownership of the car. Nowadays, he drives it around with a photo of his late brother on the interior. "That way, he's always riding with me," Russell said.

Karen and Troy Ulmer traveled from Williamsport with their 1940 Ford Sedan for the third year in a row. Since purchasing the car eight years ago, Troy Ulmer has done a few upgrades and now the couple enjoys taking it out for drives and attending shows, Karen Ulmer said.

Since beginning the summer event in 2021, it has grown every year beginning with 100 cars the first year and shooting up to 300 last year. "We are always growing," Moroney said. "We added two parking lots this year."

The extra space and beautiful weather made for the perfect day for an outdoor event for community members as well as USP staff and retirees, Sage said.
