Do You Know What EVOC Intelligent Technology Company Limited's (HKG:2308) P/E Ratio Means?

Today, we'll introduce the concept of the P/E ratio for those who are learning about investing. We'll apply a basic P/E ratio analysis to EVOC Intelligent Technology Company Limited's (HKG:2308), to help you decide if the stock is worth further research. What is EVOC Intelligent Technology's P/E ratio? Well, based on the last twelve months it is 3.10. In other words, at today's prices, investors are paying HK$3.10 for every HK$1 in prior year profit.

Check out our latest analysis for EVOC Intelligent Technology

How Do I Calculate A Price To Earnings Ratio?

The formula for price to earnings is:

Price to Earnings Ratio = Price per Share (in the reporting currency) ÷ Earnings per Share (EPS)

Or for EVOC Intelligent Technology:

P/E of 3.10 = CN¥0.662 ÷ CN¥0.213 (Based on the trailing twelve months to December 2019.)

(Note: the above calculation uses the share price in the reporting currency, namely CNY and the calculation results may not be precise due to rounding.)

Is A High Price-to-Earnings Ratio Good?

The higher the P/E ratio, the higher the price tag of a business, relative to its trailing earnings. That is not a good or a bad thing per se, but a high P/E does imply buyers are optimistic about the future.

Does EVOC Intelligent Technology Have A Relatively High Or Low P/E For Its Industry?

One good way to get a quick read on what market participants expect of a company is to look at its P/E ratio. If you look at the image below, you can see EVOC Intelligent Technology has a lower P/E than the average (9.4) in the tech industry classification.

SEHK:2308 Price Estimation Relative to Market April 12th 2020
SEHK:2308 Price Estimation Relative to Market April 12th 2020

This suggests that market participants think EVOC Intelligent Technology will underperform other companies in its industry. Since the market seems unimpressed with EVOC Intelligent Technology, it's quite possible it could surprise on the upside. It is arguably worth checking if insiders are buying shares, because that might imply they believe the stock is undervalued.

How Growth Rates Impact P/E Ratios

When earnings fall, the 'E' decreases, over time. Therefore, even if you pay a low multiple of earnings now, that multiple will become higher in the future. A higher P/E should indicate the stock is expensive relative to others -- and that may encourage shareholders to sell.

EVOC Intelligent Technology's 68% EPS improvement over the last year was like bamboo growth after rain; rapid and impressive. The sweetener is that the annual five year growth rate of 17% is also impressive. So I'd be surprised if the P/E ratio was not above average.

Remember: P/E Ratios Don't Consider The Balance Sheet

It's important to note that the P/E ratio considers the market capitalization, not the enterprise value. That means it doesn't take debt or cash into account. In theory, a company can lower its future P/E ratio by using cash or debt to invest in growth.

While growth expenditure doesn't always pay off, the point is that it is a good option to have; but one that the P/E ratio ignores.

How Does EVOC Intelligent Technology's Debt Impact Its P/E Ratio?

EVOC Intelligent Technology's net debt is considerable, at 154% of its market cap. This is a relatively high level of debt, so the stock probably deserves a relatively low P/E ratio. Keep that in mind when comparing it to other companies.

The Verdict On EVOC Intelligent Technology's P/E Ratio

EVOC Intelligent Technology's P/E is 3.1 which is below average (9.5) in the HK market. The company has a meaningful amount of debt on the balance sheet, but that should not eclipse the solid earnings growth. If the company can continue to grow earnings, then the current P/E may be unjustifiably low.

When the market is wrong about a stock, it gives savvy investors an opportunity. If the reality for a company is not as bad as the P/E ratio indicates, then the share price should increase as the market realizes this. We don't have analyst forecasts, but you might want to assess this data-rich visualization of earnings, revenue and cash flow.

You might be able to find a better buy than EVOC Intelligent Technology. If you want a selection of possible winners, check out this free list of interesting companies that trade on a P/E below 20 (but have proven they can grow earnings).

If you spot an error that warrants correction, please contact the editor at This article by Simply Wall St is general in nature. It does not constitute a recommendation to buy or sell any stock, and does not take account of your objectives, or your financial situation. Simply Wall St has no position in the stocks mentioned.

We aim to bring you long-term focused research analysis driven by fundamental data. Note that our analysis may not factor in the latest price-sensitive company announcements or qualitative material. Thank you for reading.
