JGBs little changed as investors count down to fiscal year-end

TOKYO, March 27 (Reuters) - Japanese government bond prices were steady across the board as investors were reluctant to stake out positions ahead of the looming domestic fiscal year-end.

The benchmark 10-year JGB yield and the 30-year yield were both flat at 0.060 percent and 0.835 percent, respectively.

Trading volumes were low with many domestic institutional investors having closed their books ahead of the March 31 fiscal year-end.

There was also limited reaction in the market to gains in Treasuries after U.S. President Donald Trump's stunning political setback on Friday when Republican leaders pulled legislation to overhaul the U.S. healthcare system.

JGB futures did manage to eke out modest gains following the slump in Tokyo stocks as risk sentiment was hurt by Trump's setback. June 10-year JGB futures were up 0.06 point at 150.45 (Reporting by the Tokyo markets team; Editing by Shri Navaratnam)
