HQ Trivia Swaps Cash Prizes for Points and Now Its Users Are Yelling 'Wrong!'

HQ Trivia Swaps Cash Prizes for Points and Now Its Users Are Yelling 'Wrong!'·Fortune

HQ Trivia players are saying “Show me the money!” after the popular app-based game show swapped its usual cash jackpot for points and left some loyal players disappointed.

Points aren’t a new concept to HQ Trivia and have been available to players for answering questions correctly and sharing on social media that they’re playing the game. However, the games on Tuesday marked the first time points had been used as a jackpot and coincided with the kickoff of the game show’s Season 2.

Some players complained on Twitter and Reddit and wondered if the shift to points in Season 2 was permanent and perhaps a reflection of the private company’s financial health. The @HQTriviaHelp bot was on the case to quell the fears of loyal HQties who sent a direct message seeking answers about the sudden shift.

When asked if the game show ever planned to give out cash prizes again, the bot replied: “Of course! We’re having multiple huge jackpots throughout Season 2 where you can put the points and levels you’ve earned to good use.”

Those points will help players “level up faster, making it easier to win the big-money games we will have throughout the season,” according to the bot.

When players collect a certain number of points, they can ascend to a new level, which allows them to collect a free pass if they miss a question and stay in the game longer.

Those passes could come in handy during the big jackpot games throughout the season, including the finale, which is scheduled for February 28th at 9 p.m. Eastern Time that, frankly, better make all of those points worth it.

Brandon Teitel, senior vice president of programming and partnerships at HQ Trivia, said the points are a “loyalty play” and that the game show will give out more money this season, according to The Verge.

And for players who absolutely loathe the change, there is some good news: The bot said the changes might not be permanent.

It teased: “We’re trying lots of experiments, stay tuned all season long!”
