Help me increase diversity among tech speakers

Originally published by Loic Le Meur on LinkedIn: Help me increase diversity among tech speakers

We had a busy summer at working on our platform launch coming in a few weeks. We will feature a few hundred initial leaders who agreed to participate in our launch and receive free and paid speaking offers. We want to help event organizers find amazing speakers and give leaders great speaking opportunities.

I want 50% women or more on the platform.

Also I will admit it, our initial group of speakers isn't particularly diverse and we would like to change that.

Can you help me by replying to this post (or use this simple form) with one or names of amazing speakers women or people of color in technology?

We are looking for diverse technology speakers in these initial categories


Social impact

Digital transformation

Branding & Martech

Consumer Products & Retail

Digital Health

Artificial Intelligence


Moderators (anchors, panel hosts, journalists, etc)

It would mean a lot to me if you took one minute to point me to one or more great tech speakers by replying to this post or on this simple form.

If you cannot wait for the answer to those questions Chris Messina just posted many lists of awesome women speakers on my medium post.


