Don't Sell Zhejiang New Century Hotel Management Co., Ltd. (HKG:1158) Before You Read This

This article is for investors who would like to improve their understanding of price to earnings ratios (P/E ratios). We'll apply a basic P/E ratio analysis to Zhejiang New Century Hotel Management Co., Ltd.'s (HKG:1158), to help you decide if the stock is worth further research. Based on the last twelve months, Zhejiang New Century Hotel Management's P/E ratio is 15.56. That means that at current prices, buyers pay HK$15.56 for every HK$1 in trailing yearly profits.

Check out our latest analysis for Zhejiang New Century Hotel Management

How Do You Calculate A P/E Ratio?

The formula for P/E is:

Price to Earnings Ratio = Price per Share (in the reporting currency) ÷ Earnings per Share (EPS)

Or for Zhejiang New Century Hotel Management:

P/E of 15.56 = CN¥11.805 ÷ CN¥0.759 (Based on the year to December 2019.)

(Note: the above calculation uses the share price in the reporting currency, namely CNY and the calculation results may not be precise due to rounding.)

Is A High Price-to-Earnings Ratio Good?

A higher P/E ratio means that buyers have to pay a higher price for each CN¥1 the company has earned over the last year. All else being equal, it's better to pay a low price -- but as Warren Buffett said, 'It's far better to buy a wonderful company at a fair price than a fair company at a wonderful price'.

How Does Zhejiang New Century Hotel Management's P/E Ratio Compare To Its Peers?

The P/E ratio indicates whether the market has higher or lower expectations of a company. You can see in the image below that the average P/E (15.6) for companies in the hospitality industry is roughly the same as Zhejiang New Century Hotel Management's P/E.

SEHK:1158 Price Estimation Relative to Market May 23rd 2020
SEHK:1158 Price Estimation Relative to Market May 23rd 2020

That indicates that the market expects Zhejiang New Century Hotel Management will perform roughly in line with other companies in its industry. So if Zhejiang New Century Hotel Management actually outperforms its peers going forward, that should be a positive for the share price. Further research into factors such as insider buying and selling, could help you form your own view on whether that is likely.

How Growth Rates Impact P/E Ratios

Earnings growth rates have a big influence on P/E ratios. When earnings grow, the 'E' increases, over time. And in that case, the P/E ratio itself will drop rather quickly. A lower P/E should indicate the stock is cheap relative to others -- and that may attract buyers.

Zhejiang New Century Hotel Management shrunk earnings per share by 15% over the last year. But it has grown its earnings per share by 40% per year over the last five years.

Don't Forget: The P/E Does Not Account For Debt or Bank Deposits

The 'Price' in P/E reflects the market capitalization of the company. Thus, the metric does not reflect cash or debt held by the company. The exact same company would hypothetically deserve a higher P/E ratio if it had a strong balance sheet, than if it had a weak one with lots of debt, because a cashed up company can spend on growth.

Such spending might be good or bad, overall, but the key point here is that you need to look at debt to understand the P/E ratio in context.

How Does Zhejiang New Century Hotel Management's Debt Impact Its P/E Ratio?

Zhejiang New Century Hotel Management has net cash of CN¥346m. This is fairly high at 10% of its market capitalization. That might mean balance sheet strength is important to the business, but should also help push the P/E a bit higher than it would otherwise be.

The Verdict On Zhejiang New Century Hotel Management's P/E Ratio

Zhejiang New Century Hotel Management's P/E is 15.6 which is above average (9.7) in its market. Falling earnings per share is probably keeping traditional value investors away, but the healthy balance sheet means the company retains the potential for future growth. If this growth fails to materialise, the current high P/E could prove to be temporary, as the share price falls.

Investors should be looking to buy stocks that the market is wrong about. If the reality for a company is better than it expects, you can make money by buying and holding for the long term. Although we don't have analyst forecasts you could get a better understanding of its growth by checking out this more detailed historical graph of earnings, revenue and cash flow.

Of course, you might find a fantastic investment by looking at a few good candidates. So take a peek at this free list of companies with modest (or no) debt, trading on a P/E below 20.

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