Donald Trump mocks rival Carly Fiorina's face: 'Look at that face, would anyone vote for that?'

Donald Trump
Donald Trump

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump at a rally on Capitol Hill on Wednesday to oppose the Iran nuclear agreement.

Real-estate mogul Donald Trump made disparaging remarks in an interview published Wednesday night about GOP presidential rival Carly Fiorina's appearance.

In the interview with Rolling Stone, Trump took a tone of "disgust" describing Fiorina's appearance during a television interview.

"Look at that face," he said, according to Rolling Stone. "Would anyone vote for that?"

"Can you imagine that, the face of our next president?" he added.

It's far from the first time Trump has made inflammatory remarks during his three-month-long presidential campaign — especially regarding women.

In the weeks after the first Republican debate last month, he launched an on-and-off attack on Fox News host Megyn Kelly, whom he accused of asking him unfair questions as a debate moderator.

The feud between Trump and Kelly included episodes in which the real-estate magnate retweeted supporters who had called Kelly a "bimbo."

He also said during one interview that Kelly had "blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her — wherever" during the debate, a comment many interpreted as a lewd remark referring to menstruation. (Trump later insisted he meant "nose" or "ears." "Only a deviant would think anything else," he added.)

Fiorina, who appeared on Kelly's Fox News show Wednesday night, said Trump's comments "speak for themselves."

"Maybe I'm getting under his skin a little bit," she said.

Carly Fiorina
Carly Fiorina

(AP Photo/Jim Cole)
Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina, the former Hewlett-Packard CEO, while marching in the Labor Day parade on Monday in Milford, New Hampshire.

Fiorina, the former CEO of Hewlett-Packard, has surged in polls after a strong performance in the first lower-tier GOP debate. Last week, CNN changed its rules for next week's debate, meaning she will almost certainly be on the main stage.

The multiple controversies of the first three months of Trump's presidential campaign have done little to derail the candidate's momentum.

Despite sharp insults against Sen. John McCain (R-Arizona) and, more recently, a dustup with respected Univision journalist Jorge Ramos, Trump maintains a solid lead against his GOP competitors.

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