Donald Trump confronts audience in another GOP debate after loud boos

Donald Trump.
Donald Trump.

(AP Photo/John Bazemore)
Donald Trump.

Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump and former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R) sparred in an early presidential-debate exchange during which Trump confronted the audience multiple times.

Bush brought up Trump's name unprompted in order to question the real-estate developer's plans to combat the Islamic State in the Middle East. Bush said it was "ludicrous" to support Russia helping the US out in Syria, as Trump has done.

"Let me just tell you this: Jeb is so wrong. Jeb is absolutely so — ah," Trump began.

A chorus of booed in the audience interrupted Trump, who then suggested that the crowd was stacked with pro-Bush elites in the GOP establishment.

"Just so you understand: You know who that is? That's Jeb's special interests and lobbyists talking," Trump continued.

Trump took another shot at the audience shortly after. The crowd loudly booed Trump when he mocked Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina), for having "0%" in the polls before dropping out of the presidential race and endorsing Bush.

"I only tell the truth, lobbyists," Trump told the people booing him. "We've spent $5 trillion all over the Middle East. We have to rebuild our country."

At an earlier debate this month, Trump similarly confronted the audience for booing him after taking a shot at Bush. Trump said tickets to the event had been given out to "donors" and other establishment figures who supported Bush.

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