What Dads Really Want for Father’s Day

Thinking about getting Dad another tie or a “No. 1 Dad” coffee cup for Father’s Day?

It’s great that you’re at least planning to get your pops a gift, considering a new RetailMeNot survey found that more people buy Mother’s Day gifts (86 percent) than Father’s Day gifts (77 percent).

But maybe you should try to think outside the (boring gift) box.

Check out this list of gift ideas from Consumerist. We’ve highlighted a few gifts below:

  • Vroom, vroom. If your father is a car enthusiast, a gift certificate to a local car wash is a great gift. Or what about renting your pops a luxury car for a day?

  • Overworked . A massage is a good gift idea for a tired dad. Or for dads with small kids at home, how about a play-mat T-shirt? “Dad simply has to put it on and lay down, and the kids will step up to massage his back while they play with their wheels,” Consumerist said.

  • Kitchen guy . New grill tools are a good fit for a barbecue chef dad. Or check out the iGrill. It’s a wireless Bluetooth thermometer that notifies him when the food is cooked and ready to eat.

RetailMeNot also provided a list of 15 unique Father’s Day gift ideas at different price ranges.

Are you broke this Father’s Day? No problem. According to RetailMeNot:

Turns out that 20 percent of dads just want to spend time with family, so try carving out a few hours with him on June 15. Play a round of golf, stand over the grill with him or help him in the garden. None of those things cost a penny!

A similar number of fathers said they would most like to receive gift cards.

Picking out a gift for my dad is akin to slamming my finger in a car door. Seriously, it really can be painful. My dad is one of those people who finds something he likes and buys it immediately. He’s also super picky about his clothes (no ties or shirts), he doesn’t drink (so a bottle of good wine is out), and he doesn’t really have any hobbies (so fishing lures or a new set of golf balls isn’t a good fit). I have no idea what I’m going to get him this year.

My husband already got a new barbecue as an early Father’s Day gift. I’m also buying him a luxury shaving brush set. Using the advice provided in Money Talks News’ “7 Tips to Cut the Cost of Shaving” story, we replaced his expensive Gillette Fusion razor and cartridges with a safety razor a couple of months ago. A new shaving brush set has since been on his wish list.

What are you getting your dad for Father’s Day? Share your gift ideas below or on our Facebook page.

This article was originally published on MoneyTalksNews.com as 'What Dads Really Want for Father’s Day'.

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