How This ‘Crypto Wikipedia’ is Using GIS Mapping Data to Verify Crowdsourced Contributions

crypto wikipedia blockchain gis mapping
crypto wikipedia blockchain gis mapping

Everipedia, the crypto community’s answer to Wikipedia (which has all the articles Wikipedia had at the time of the fork in 2017), will be using geospatial blockchain technology provided by XYO to verify the validity of point-of-interest information on the decentralized encyclopedia.

Everipedia Co-Founder Theodor Forselius

The decentralized Wikipedia alternative has an incentive structure using the IQ cryptocurrency, an EOS token. The Wikipedia alternative has the backing of Wikipedia co-founder Dr. Larry Sanger, who joined the project prior to its launch. XYO is a geospatial blockchain company that provides accurate data location. What do the two have in common? Well, they’re working on a project that will enable Everipedia users to prove the value of their knowledge.

Wikipedia Alternative is its Crypto Cousin

The new technology will work primarily with points of interest, at least at first, although Everipedia foresees other uses of XYO’s services. Co-founder Markus Levin, also XYO’s Head of Operations, told CCN:

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