Here’s What You Should Consider Before Giving up on Your Startup

The Entrepreneur Insiders network is an online community where the most thoughtful and influential people in America's startup scene contribute answers to timely questions about entrepreneurship and careers. Today's answer to the question "How do you stay inspired to run a business?" is written by Jim Huether, CEO of Hyperice.

Keeping yourself inspired to run a business can often be challenging--especially if it's a startup. There's no doubt that obstacles will present themselves at the most inconvenient times, and those challenges are often magnified in a new business as investors and competitors watch your every move. Although running a startup can sometimes feel like a tireless job, I find that three things continue to keep me inspired:


There is nothing more rewarding then seeing firsthand the positive impact your leadership, ideas, and energy have on your employees. When running a business, hiring the right people and fostering their growth in a creative environment is crucial to keeping the entire team inspired. With an eager team looking up to you for the motivation they need to succeed, your passion becomes contagious. Thus, triumphs large or small become rewarding for everyone, fostering a tight-knit and supportive company culture. For me, facing insurmountable challenges as a CEO becomes less daunting with a dedicated team by my side.

See also: The Question You Should Ask Yourself When You’re Losing Motivation


Although having the right team and a great company culture can help fuel the creative fire that keeps business leaders inspired, being the CEO of a startup or emerging company can be draining. It takes a certain personality to thrive and flourish in this environment. To succeed, leaders must be laser-focused, determined, and disciplined, and they must understand that there will be failures and losses from time to time. It takes confidence and conviction to bounce back from a fall, but it's even more challenging when the entire team is relying on you to help them do the same. At times like these, remember that you have been given the opportunity to truly affect change on your team, and to be progressive or disruptive within an industry. With a role like this, work no longer feels like work, and the inspiration to keep going comes easily.

Reaching within

If you truly believe in your company's vision and have the support of a great team behind you, the battles lost will not feel like losses--just minor challenges--which will only inspire you to be better. Always remember the drive that led you to the startup life in the first place. Even though you'll feel like giving up at times, finding that conviction again will keep you going and lead you to accomplish your goals. And don't be stingy with your motivation. Spread it around to your team--you need them to keep you inspired just like they need you.

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