Comey reportedly told Sessions he did not want to meet alone with Trump

Getty Images. Former FBI director James Comey reportedly sought the help of U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions to avoid one-on-one conversations with Trump.·CNBC

The day after President Donald Trump allegedly asked then-FBI director James Comey to end the investigation of fired national security advisor Mike Flynn, Comey told U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions that he didn't want to meet alone with the president again, The New York Times reported on Tuesday, citing unnamed current and former law enforcement officials.

Comey wanted Sessions to protect the FBI from White House influence, but Sessions said he couldn't guarantee the president wouldn't try to speak with Comey alone again, the report said, citing the unnamed officials.

But Comey didn't tell Sessions about Trump's request to end the investigation of his presidential campaign officials' contacts with Russian operatives, the report said.

Comey kept the content of the meetings a secret because he wasn't sure whom at the Justice Department he could trust, the report said, citing the officials.

The Department of Justice did not immediately respond to CNBC's emailed request for comment, which was sent outside of office hours.

For more on the interaction between the two, see the story in The New York Times.

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