College Works Reviews Tips for Hiring Effective Millennial Employees

College Works Reviews Strategies That Hiring Managers Can Utilize in Order to Recruit Hard-Working Millennial Employees

NEW YORK, NY--(Marketwired - Jun 10, 2013) - College Works reviews applications carefully in order to select a dedicated and talented team of college students to add to its roster. The business provides comprehensive painting services for 10,000 homes annually, and relies on student interns to maintain a standard of excellence. The professionals from College Works have issued a statement to the press on a new article discussing how to recruit exceptional young talent.

Roughly 40 million millennials have entered the workforce recently, and these individuals are frequently tech-savvy and aware of new trends. This makes them an important asset to businesses. Reports estimate that the number of millennial employees is only growing, with 75 million workers expected to flood the business world by the year 2025. While millennial talent is the future of the workforce, some employers express hesitations about hiring individuals from this age group. In fact, 68 percent of people who participated in a recent survey noted that they fear that millenials are less motivated. Forty-five percent of those who participated in the survey explained that they feel that millennial are less engaged in work than older employees.

In order to tap the best and most motivated millennials in this talent pool, an employer has to have a handle on how to recruit and hire these individuals. Offering mentorship is an important part of attracting skilled millennial workers. Ambitious employees from this age group are looking for employer feedback so that they can further their careers. In fact, a survey by MTV, which targets people of this age group, found that 75 percent of millennial workers are hoping to find mentorship at their workplace. When a millennial knows that he or she will receive this kind of support at a business, it helps to draw them in.

College Works reviews the importance of recruiting talented millennial employees explaining, "These people contribute energy, awareness of emerging trends, and a desire to learn. They can prove extremely useful to a company's culture. In order to attract these employees and help to add fresh perspective to a company, a business must understand what the most ambitious millennial workers are after. Though some hiring managers feel that bringing on inexperienced people is a detriment to the brand, in reality it can prove useful in helping that organization stay on top of new trends and developments, while appealing to younger consumers."

Flexibility is something that employees of this age crave. This is partially because these workers grew up with technological advancements that make it easier than ever to work from anywhere. Flexible schedules and remote work opportunities are appealing to millennial employees, and can help a company earn a second glance from these people.

College Works reviews the importance of adding millennials to the mix of employees noting, "These people are excited to learn and can help a company to usher in a new era."


College Works reviews the most effective ways to recruit talented millennial workers, thus allowing the business to hire a staff that is dependable, enthusiastic, and talented. College Works Painting employs thousands of college students annually, enabling them to learn important business skills, while also earning money. The company provides comprehensive house painting services to 10,000 homes in 19 states each year.
