A century until women will have the same chances as men, World Economic Forum says

The UK has made poor progress compared to its peers on equality of pay
The UK has made poor progress compared to its peers on equality of pay

A failure by the UK to improve its gender equality has seen it fall behind other nations over the past decade, according to a report released on Thursday.

Having once held a position of 9th in the world in 2006, the UK was 15th overall in 2017 in terms of its gender gap, a ranking generated from ratings in four areas; health, education, the workplace and political representation.

The report, published by the World Economic Forum, showed that global progress in closing the gender gap has stalled since 2013. For the first time since it started gathering data for this report in 2006, the gulf between male and female opportunity had widened.

Worldwide, 68pc of the gender gap had closed, a slight worsening in findings from 2016 according to the study. This retreat backwards means that, at the current rate of progress, the global gender gap would take 100 years to disappear entirely, compared to 83 last year.

The research benchmarks 144 countries on how equal their citizens are in terms of gender. A country is scored from zero to one; one is complete parity. Rather than score a nation based on how successful women are in that nation – for example whether or not they are outperforming men in any given area – it instead looks at equality of opportunity and how resources are distributed.

When are regions likely to close the economic gender gap

This means that a country where more women than men attend university would score the same level as a country where there were equal numbers of both genders getting degrees.

Saadia Zahidi of the WEF said that this is why some less advanced economies had scored highly in the index, because the opportunities offered to women are more equal with those of men, “putting in place an environment that could lead to stable and inclusive growth in the future".

The UK’s 2017 election is the predominant reason why, on a year-on-year basis, it rose in the rankings. In June, voters returned some 200 women MPs, the highest number ever to enter parliament. That combined with adding several years to the length of time the country was governed by a woman, boosted the UK’s score: its representation of women in the workplace and politics had improved.

However, for equal pay, the UK performed poorly. It stood in 53rd position for equal pay for equal work, down a place from the previous year. This doesn’t necessarily mean equality of pay has worsened, but that other countries have made progress at a greater pace than the UK.

This ranking comes after a study from the Chartered Management Institute showed a 27pc pay gap among the UK’s 3.3m managers, where men outnumber women three to one. Separate data from the ONS revealed that once part-time and full-time workers are combined, the gender pay gap figure actually worsened in 2017, by 0.2 percentage points.

The UK has made important strides in addressing its political empowerment gender gap, but it markedly lags behind many international peers when it comes to the workplace, Ms Zahidi said. She suggested that far more work is needed in the pursuit of equal pay, and the elimination of gender bias when businesses are hiring staff.

A government spokesperson said that they were making efforts to improve women’s opportunities in the workplace by forcing all employers with more than 250 staff to publish gender pay and bonus data as of April next year. The Government also has set a target for boards consist of 33pc women by 2020 and eliminate all-male boards in the FTSE 350.
