Breathtaking photos show massive icebergs floating by a seaside town

ferryland glacier
ferryland glacier

(Residents view the first iceberg of the season as it passes the South Shore, also known as "Iceberg Alley", near Ferryland Newfoundland, Canada.REUTERS/Jody Martin)

Life is fairly simple for the 500-or-so residents of Ferryland, on Canada's east coast.

They work. They eat. They sleep. And sometimes, they welcome the arrival of colossal, 10,000-year-old icebergs passing through on a springtime jaunt.


(REUTERS/Greg Locke)

Each year, hundreds of massive icebergs break off from Greenland and drift through shipping lanes in the North Atlantic. The event has has become a popular tourist attraction in Ferryland, Newfoundland, and other towns along "Iceberg Alley."

This year's bergs were especially plentiful — scientists aren't exactly sure why, but some think global warming is responsible, according to the Associated Press.

Nevertheless, the phenomenon provides for some spectacular photos.

ferryland glacier
ferryland glacier

(Reuters/Greg Locke)

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