Apple Admits There's A Manufacturing Problem With Some iPhone 5S Units That's Causing Reduced Battery Life

julia la roche iphone 5s fingerprint
julia la roche iphone 5s fingerprint

William Wei, Business Insider

Apple released a statement to the New York Times this evening admitting that some units of its new iPhone 5S had a manufacturing issue that's causing reduced battery life.

Here's the statement:

We recently discovered a manufacturing issue affecting a very limited number of iPhone 5S devices that could cause the battery to take longer to charge or result in reduced battery life. We are reaching out to customers with affected phones and will provide them with a replacement phone.

It's unclear how many iPhone 5S units are affected, but The New York Times speculates it's at least a few thousand based on the fact that Apple said it sold 9 million new iPhones the weekend the iPhone launched.

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