Amazon Spent Big Money on Security for CEO Jeff Bezos Last Year

Amazon Spent Big Money on Security for CEO Jeff Bezos Last Year·Fortune

spent $1.6 million on security for CEO Jeff Bezos last year, accounting for nearly all of his compensation.

The money went to providing security for Bezos in addition to what is available at Amazon facilities, such as for business travel, according to a filing by Amazon with the Securities & Exchange Commission on Wednesday.

In all, Bezos collected $1.68 million in compensation last year. Bezos earned only $81,840 in salary for the year and no stock options.

Bezos is Amazon’s largest shareholder and is listed by Bloomberg as the world’s second richest person, with a net worth of approximately $75.6 billion.

Amazon spent a similar amount for Bezos’ security in 2015. The company also said that in light of his low salary, the security expenses in 2016 were reasonable.

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For comparison, spent $1.5 million for founder and chairman Larry Ellison in 2015, or second among all executives, according to Equilar. spent just over $200,000 in 2015 for CEO Tim Cook.

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