7 stories to read this weekend

After a week’s break, I am back on track with some fantastic new stories for your weekend reading pleasure.

  • Tocqueville and Technology: Americans love technology and always have. It is who we are as people, Benjamin Storey writes in The New Atlantis.

  • Chicago’s Last Tannery: A great profile of the Horween Leather Company of Chicago in 37Signals’ new magazine, The Distance. I loved the story. I love the idea behind the magazine — celebrating self-funded/bootstrapped businesses.

  • Made for the marathon: Well, some people are wired for marathons. I am not one of those people. Still, I have no problems reading through this marathon piece — it is excellent.

  • Needed badly: Innovation in city services: Dan Hill, who I met a long time ago in Helsinki, argues that city services should be taking a cue from the likes of Nest and rethinking for a connected age. More people need to read this piece.

  • Why do hipsters love low-tech? This piece has the answer.

  • How the middle class lifestyle became unaffordable: Interesting blog post, but I think it could make for an even better feature story for a business magazine. I think the implications of this are pretty immense.

  • Could the Ukraine crisis spark a world war? Feels a little over the top, but I still think it is worth a read (with a big pinch of salt).

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