Why Harris's policies still feel ambiguous ahead of election

Vice President Kamala Harris gave a keynote speech at the final night of the Democratic National Convention, where she formally accepted her nomination as the 2024 Democratic candidate and outlined her potential policies and the type of leader she will be if elected.

Strategas Securities managing director of policy research Jeannette Lowe joins Market Domination to give insight into what Wall Street is looking for in a Harris presidency and what her potential economic policies could look like.

When asked whether Harris's policy proposals so far may be lacking certain details, Lowe believes most voters "don't need all of that detail to make a decision."

"They're more looking for what the broad strokes are. But at the same time, they're also trying to protect the campaign from attacks from Trump and the Republicans as well," Lowe says about how much of her economic agenda Harris is willing to divulge ahead of the election.

Lowe points out how with the current balance of power in Congress, it may not matter:

"One of the other things that is very important for this election is it's also going to matter what happens with Congress — who's in control of the House and who's control of the Senate — because we anticipate that it's very likely that if Harris does win the presidency, they're still going to be divided government with a Republican Senate, even if there's a Democratic House and that is going to limit her [Harris's] ability to do a number of proposals that she may want."

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This post was written by Nicholas Jacobino
