How the wealthy are investing for growth

High-net-worth individuals are experiencing an average wealth increase of 4.7%, according to recent findings from Capgemini Research. The study also reveals that the population of this group grew by 5.1% in 2023. Elias Ghanem, Global Head of Capgemini Research Institute for Financial Services, joins Wealth! to provide insight into these trends.

Ghanem identifies a significant shift in wealth management strategies among the affluent. "People are slowly but surely moving from wealth preservation... to wealth growth," he observes.

Three key areas have emerged as focal points for investment strategies among the wealthy this year, according to Ghanem: real estate, alternative investments, and private equity. "We're observing this quite a lot recently," he tells Yahoo Finance, highlighting the move from "safe" to growth-oriented avenues.

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This post was written by Angel Smith
