Is summer really the best time to rebalance investments?

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Summer is often viewed as a volatile month for stocks historically, so should investors be worried about more volatility (^VIX) in the final weeks of August or is it just routine at this point?

Summit Place Financial Advisors Founder and President Liz Miller joins Wealth! to give insight into what investors should consider for potential recession risks and how to manage portfolios during market turbulence.

"We always tell clients that the summer is a great time to rebalance and reassess. We do not see a recession risk. And even when we look at this recent employment report, if you look at it in the context of the last couple of years, yes, employment growth, new jobs has been slowly coming down," Miller tells Alexandra Canal.

Miller also advises taking advantage of periods of volatility: "Use some of this volatility that is inevitable to buy things you like, or start looking at prices of things that you haven't been in."

For more expert insight and the latest market action, click here to watch this full episode of Wealth!

This post was written by Nicholas Jacobino
