Stocks are 'on sale,' it's time to shop: Investment advisor

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US stock markets (^DJI, ^IXIC, ^GSPC) are in decline as recession fears trigger a widespread sell-off among investors. Fort Washington Investment Advisors co-chief investment officer Chris Shipley joins Wealth to share his perspective on downward market trends.

Shipley suggests the current downturn shouldn't cause investor panic. He notes the market had "a certain vulnerability" due to expectations of economic growth and lower inflation. However, he observes there turned out to be "a little more economic weakness than the market was banking on," indicating the economy is entering "a more substantial slowdown."

"I think there's a lot of reason still to be optimistic about avoiding recession, but right now the market is shooting first and asking questions later," Shipley explains to Yahoo Finance.

Regarding investment strategies, Shipley views the current situation as an ideal buying opportunity. He points to companies like Nvidia (NVDA), which hasn't seen low share prices since March or April, noting: "When stocks are on sale, it's time to start taking a look."

For more expert insight and the latest market action, click here to watch this full episode of Wealth!

This post was written by Angel Smith
