Real estate markets are 'a different ball game' from 12 to 18 months ago

New home listings have fallen by 25 percent year-over-year in the U.S., according to Redfin. Smith & Associates Realtor Melanie Atkinson, Trueblood Real Estate Realtor Dan O'Brien, and Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage Realtor/Broker Associate Kathy Casey join Yahoo Finance Live to discuss the state of their regional housing markets.

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Video Transcript


- We're getting the pulse on the housing market this week during our week long series, Real Estate the New Reality. They say home is where the heart is. But for those looking to find a home in the US, well, that path to ownership may be pretty tough to navigate. New US listings falling 25% from a year ago. And with buyers facing higher rates, the state of the housing market is anything but simple.

So here to give us a better sense of what is playing out across the country, we're taking a look at Tampa, Florida, with Smith and Associates Real Estate realtor Melanie Atkinson, look at Indianapolis with Trueblood Real Estate realtor Dan O'Brien and Denver, Colorado, with Kathy Casey, Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage realtor. Great to have all three of you, all in different parts of the country.

I want to go around the horn real quick just to give us a better sense of exactly what you're seeing. So let's start East. We'll work our way West. Melanie, I want to start with you. What are you seeing right now in Tampa?

MELANIE ATKINSON: Sure that statistic that you just put up is exactly what we're seeing in Tampa as well. We've seen a slowdown in market activity in general with buyers. But we've also seen most sellers don't want to sell their house. So buyers out there just don't have much to choose from. So the supply has not increased much, which means the prices haven't dropped too much.

- And then I want to jump in here and bring the rest of you all in here and see what the trends that you're seeing in the rest of your regions. Let's go out West for this one. Kathy.

KATHY CASEY: Hi. So yeah, I would like to echo that our market has definitely slowed down. We were at such a hot fever pitch last year and everybody knows a fever is not good. So I just feel like we're slow and steady now, I feel like we have a more stable market, more sustainable market.

I actually think it's better for buyers than it was last year even though the interest rates are higher because number one, you're not paying over asking, you were getting seller concessions, and interest rates are high, but there's workarounds on that as well.