P&G's toilet paper redesign 'a delight to consumers': CEO

In this article:

Procter & Gamble (PG) is shaking things up with its Charmin toilet paper brand. P&G Chairman, CEO, and President Jon Moeller joins Yahoo Finance Executive Editor Brian Sozzi to discuss the consumer goods brand's innovation and how consumers are responding to it.

"It's a product that wins from an overall ratings standpoint and a consumer preference standpoint," Moeller explains.

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Video Transcript

BRIAN SOZZI: We have to ask you about the changes to the Charmin toilet paper. I get questions about it. People knew that I was talking to you, Jon. Is this stuff just cheaper to make? What's the use case? Why are there ridges? Why are they not squares? Help a layman understand this.

JON MOELLER: In all of our testing, that perforated-- curved perforated or scalloped perforated edge has proven to be a delight to consumers. It's a product that wins from an overall rating standpoint and a consumer preference standpoint. And so as a result, we want to make it available.

BRIAN SOZZI: How does something like that even come up? Do you sign off on that? Do they present you with-- how does it-- I don't understand. Like, how does that-- how does that come about?

JON MOELLER: We have a great team of innovators, brand builders, designers, and they're working on these kinds of things and much more far-out opportunities on a daily basis. I really enjoy the time that I get to spend with them, but they're typically educating me as opposed to the other way around.
