Once you drive an EV, you won't want to go back: Ford CTO

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Ford CTO Ken Washington joined Yahoo Finance's Dan Howley to break down the recent push for electric vehicles and when consumers can expect fully autonomous vehicles to be more common.

Video Transcript


DAN HOWLEY: We're here with Ford Chief Technology Officer Ken Washington. Ken, thank you so much for joining us. And we want to kind of talk first about, obviously, the big ongoing issue is the coronavirus pandemic and how that's impacting Ford and Ford purchasing-- or consumer purchasing decisions around Ford products. And I just kind of want to get your idea of how consumers are reacting and the kinds of vehicles they're looking at as the pandemic continues.

KEN WASHINGTON: Well, first of all, it's great to be with you, Dan. Thanks for having me. Well, we're seeing consumers shift their behaviors to online, just like in every other business we're seeing-- that's seeing the same trend, of course. And so we've-- we've done a very successful pivot to online sales of our vehicles and giving a digital experience to our customers that want to see and experience the vehicle before they actually go and then purchase it. But we continue to provide a dealership experience as well, so we're seeing a bit of a hybrid.

But the other thing I should point out is that the pandemic has really resurfaced the importance of personal car ownership. And we're seeing really great-- a great continued market pull for buying personally owned vehicles, both retail and commercial. And then last thing I should mention is, it's no surprise, I'm sure, to you or your listeners, that-- that the shift to online purchasing and shopping has really led to a real growth in delivery vehicles. And we're definitely prepared to service that market as it continues to expand and grow.

DAN HOWLEY: You know, I want to talk about electric cars, as well, because, you know, we've seen, obviously, the huge growth that Tesla has seen as far as its market cap through the last year, delivering, obviously, hundreds of thousands of vehicles now. And Ford is really pushing into this space now with the Mustang Mach-E. And I kind of want to get your take on when we'll start to see consumers really dive into that section of autos, because it's still, you know, conventional gas-powered cars that are making up the bulk of sales. So I guess, when do you see people really leaning further into EVs or plug-in hybrids?

KEN WASHINGTON: I think this is the pivotal year. We've already seen some signals that indicate that-- that we're going to start to see a real acceleration of consumer adoption and pull for electric vehicles. I have a Mustang Mach-E in my garage. I can tell you it's a fantastic vehicle. I love it.