Long-term plays about 'time in markets, not timing markets'

In this article:

"This was just a market looking for a reset," Huntington Private Bank Director of Investment Management Chad Oviatt tells Josh Lipton on Asking for a Trend, explaining the triggers to the massive sell-off that occurred at the start of the trading week and where volatility could push equities (^DJI, ^IXIC, ^GSPC).

"And what we want to convey to them is, first, don't make short-term decisions with long term-investments. Don't panic. It's still a matter of time in markets, not timing markets. And really, asset allocation still matters," Oviatt explains. "And what these volatile days have shown us is that if you got too equity focused, you probably felt a lot more heartburn yesterday... but had you had more bonds in your portfolio, you felt okay about yesterday."

For more expert insight and the latest market action, click here to watch this full episode of Asking for a Trend.

This post was written by Luke Carberry Mogan.
