Will Impossible Foods go public?

Though he can't disclose confidential information, Impossible Foods CEO Peter McGuinness chatted with Yahoo Finance Executive Editor Brian Sozzi on Opening Bid and shared what could be next for the company. Between an IPO, a sale, and a capital raise, what's his favorite option? "I like them all," he says.

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Video Transcript

I went back to our past several conversations with you all remote and I realized we asked you every single time about an IP O but, but, but we, we didn't ask you and I want to put, you know, here, there's other things that can happen here with impossible, let's say a liquidity event.

So there's IP O sale capital raise.

What, what are you leaning towards internally?

And what is the timeline?

I like them all actually.

Um, listen without getting into a rabbit hole here or disclosing confidential information.

We're lucky enough to be pretty well capitalized at the moment.

We're debt free.

And um we have cash and part of that was that, you know, I did when I got there, we had to go through a couple painful restructures and some rifts and bring cost in line with revenue.

It was, you know, just the sustainable business stuff.

Um And so we've, you know, we have cash for a couple of few years, so we didn't do anything right now.

I mean, we're spending 20 million in advertising.

Are you making money?

I mean, is the company profitable?

Not yet, but we're close
